Are You Ready To Bake?
Chaos makes baking twice as hard so I’m passing on some of my top tips to ensure success every time.
🎂Choose reliable recipes. If you are new to baking, be careful with recipes from food blogs and foreign recipes,unless they are from reliable sources, as measures and ingredients can be different. My best recommendations for success for beginning bakers are the BBC Good Food @bbcgoodfood website and Mary Berry’s Ultimate Cake Book.
🎂Read through the entire recipe so that there are no surprises. It is disappointing to discover halfway through that you’re out of an essential ingredient and can’t finish baking without a trip to the shops.
🎂Line up, pour, measure, and count out all of your ingredients in advance, replacing boxes and containers as you go along to avoid confusion (ie is that white mound in the batter baking powder or baking soda??).
🎂Avoid distractions. You may think you are concentrating, but if you are distracted, sooner or later you will find yourself rummaging in the bin counting egg shells to see how many eggs you have added.
🎂Ensure you have time to complete the bake (including cooling and decorating). If not, you will find baking is a chore and not the pleasure it should be. You’re also more likely to make mistakes if you are in a rush.
Let’s Bake Together!
Our Face to Face Classes have now started. Click Here to find out more.

Hillside, Ivy Lane, Shutford
Banbury OX15 6PD
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Reservation Number:
07786 838294
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